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Couple of days back Prats made a flying visit to my house to drop the review copies of Urban Shots and Another Chance, it was really sweet of him considering I would have bought Urban Shots 100% anyways as his story was published in it and this much atleast we can do for a friend right 😛 So after he went, N grabbed the book from my hand and reached to Prats story titled “Of Apple Pies and Grey Sweaters” and when he finished it just came and said wow this guy has talent, its a lovely story and this coming from a man who shies away from all things mushy… I was smiling in my head ready to grab the book and enjoy the stories. Next morning when I read Prats story along with my morning cup of coffee I knew this was the book which will probably change my outlook towards short stories a little… Prats take a bow that was such a warm story…

Urban Shots is a compilation of 29 short stories by 13 writers which edited by Paritosh Uttam, who has also 10 stories of his own in the collection. The stories are about love, friendship and relationships in Urban Metro life, the life that we all lead… The stories talk about love, friendship, the friendship that turns to love, infidelity, hope, they talk about liberation, anger and longing…  I think in a nutshell they talk about the life around us

The book starts with a story from Kainaz Motival (yeah the one of Wake up Sid) fame. The story “Hope comes in small packages” is nothing extraordinary but is cute that it doesnt fail to put a smile on one’s face….  and moving on with stories the writers cover a wide range of subjects from Malathi Jaikumar’s story “Liberation” which deals with how a woman finds her liberation from domestic abuse to Bishwanath Gosh’s dealing with infidelity in “Morning Showers” to Sahil Khan’s story “The Untouched Guitar” which feels like just another youngster tale till you reach the climax and bear a huge grin to Vrinda Baliga’s “Stick Figures” and “Dialects of Silence” which touch ones heart with a view of a womans life…

All of them are lovely but if I have to pick a favorite I must say I love the Paritosh writes I loved all his stories, they are crisp short and when I read them I somehow always start visualizing and imagining the characters. I start to feel like them 😀 I loved his stories so much so that I had a huge smile on my face each time I would see his name in the authors 🙂 I liked his debut book Dreams in Prussian Blue too but with this Paritosh you have a new fan… and having met him his stories are so different than the person he comes across as…

Last Words : Lovely lovely heartwarming tales of young urban India

Rating 4/5

Book Urban Shots

Authors edited by Paritosh Uttam

Price Rs 145/-