

When we were coming back from Lavasa, a general chat with Kiran and some other bloggers in the taxi on the way back turned towards Child Sexual Abuse and how it is one of the worst things to happen to a child. Kiran suggested that we do a Child Sexual Abuse Awareness month across the blogsphere and the idea appealed to me. As a subject its really close to my heart. I have been abused when I was a child and I know how traumatic it is, I have known some victims who were severely abused and it affected their life as an adult. And the worst part which I feel is that its one of those things which is hushed under the carpet.

So across the month of April 2011, over 40 bloggers in the blogosphere will come together to post on various aspects of Child Sexual Abuse in a bid to create awareness about an issue which affects over 50 per cent of children. This, the Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month April 2011, will run across their blogs as well as the CSA blog, which will be . In addition to these posts, the CSAAM blog will feature survivor stories, posts by experts and NGOs working in these fields. Through this concerted effort we hope to bring Child Sexual Abuse out of the closet and teach parents how to educate their children about predators, preventing their children from being abused and knowing how to deal with such a situation should it occur. Our children deserve a safe and happy childhood.

So come join us in the effort and Keep your child safe.

If you would like to add to the discussion or know somebody else who would, please note that we welcome entries

The list of topics is available here. Anonymous contributions are accepted and requests for anonymity will of course be honoured. I will probably be hosting at least one guest post and encourage you to do the same for non-blogging friends.

Please remember to send in a mail with all necessary links or just your input to csa.awareness.april@gmail.com so that we can track your contribution and make sure that it is not inadvertently lost or something.

U can also support it simply by adding our the logo of the initiative in your blog’s sidebar. Grab the below code to do so