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This is the post I have been waiting to write since so many days now. The excitement was so high when the baby shower was done, that I went to attend it inspite of my knee… As Abha says it was the day of much laughter and a few tears

And than started the countdown, the date was fixed as 12-11-10 as the father, the man with such a warm heart M has a thing for such dates… and as the date was nearing my excitement was building 10 fold. I think I was more excited than both of them and two days back N asked me that who is delivering, gosh u werent so excited when Ojas was born… ofcourse I was nervous that time 😉

Anyways the time has come to announce the arrival of my doula baby… and its a girl… a  girl we have all been waiting for…3.2 Kg and healthy… Abha is doing well too…

So please join us to bless the little soul that has just entered the world… bless the happy family, may they always be smiles…

Waitinf for the pic of the little angel to complete the above pic…